Oseane box tests


This test was carried out at the home of an electrical partner with an LKH 20M. This customer, who is a professional, measured his electricity consumption himself.

An active power recording device was used. This device takes a measurement every 2.22 seconds (27 measurements per minute). The results are represented as two curves showing the power consumption versus the time of day.

Test particulier

An analysis of the measurements gives a maximum power consumption for the test without the LKH20M of 1850 Watts and 1580 Watts with the LKH20M in operation. That is a 15% difference.

On average the consumption of the house was 22% lower when the LKH was installed. However, the switch-on times for the reversible air conditioning were not exactly the same.

It can be estimated without error that the LKH20M has resulted in electricity savings of between 10 and 15%.

The curve with LKH as a function shows that the product continuously adjusts voltage, current and cos(ɸ) to optimize power consumption: these are the small peaks that are observed.


This test was carried out in a Food Store – over a period of one week.
Three-phase subscription 36 kVA.

The recording was made with a measuring device (DENT ELITE PROXC-EU) of the consumed powers (apparent, reactive, kVA) during one week.

Only the values recorded from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. were compared in order to eliminate external parameters such as attendance, brightness, shelving of fresh produce…

Test Magasin

Average night-time consumption with LKV: 58.86 kWh
Average night consumption without LKV: 66.60 kWh

The installation of an LKV40T allows savings on consumption of about 12%.


This test was carried out in a Restaurant over a period of one week.
Three-phase subscription 78 kVA.

Recording with a measuring device (DENT ELITE PROXC-EU) of the consumed powers (active, reactive, kVA) during two periods. The first period measured the consumptions with the LKV100T, the second without the LKV100T. The device takes 6 measurements per second.

Test restaurant

Environment :
Restaurant serving meals only at noon.
Number of meals served identical during each week of measurement.
Equivalent temperature and brightness during each measurement period.

Daily consumption read at the meter in the absence of the LKV-100: 374 kWh
Daily consumption measured at the meter with the LKV-100 in operation: 330 kWh
Savings of 44 kWh per day, i.e. 11.8%.

Max. power draw in kVA with LKV: 32.70 kVA
Max. power draw in kVA without LKV: 38.60 kVA
18% savings on the subscription