Solar Photovoltaic




The Oseane LKPID Anti-PID box is designed to prevent solar panels from losing energy due to PID. It connects in parallel with the inverter to generate a high voltage (with very low amperage) between the negative electrode of the DC string and the ground of the panels. During the night, it therefore frees the panel from the charge accumulated during the day due to the negative polarization between the negative electrode and the ground, allowing the repair of damaged panels..


Reactive current is a component of the current flowing through the power grid and is divided into two parts: active energy (Ea) and reactive energy (Er).

The reactive energy (expressed in kvarh) is used by the magnetic circuits of the connected devices that are provided with it, it only circulates between the inverter of the power plant and the grid. It creates the magnetic field of the coils or transformers, for example. This is the energy that is transported but not converted into usable energy for the consumers. It requires larger cable cross-sections and leads to joule losses during transport.

Reactive current means an extra load on lines and transformers, it is a current that is generally undesirable.
Reactive currents are a phenomenon that occurs only with alternating current, but not with direct current. They imply that the electrical energy oscillates between the producer and the consumer without any efficiency.

The OSEANE boxes are equipped with a battery of capacitors controlled in real time to absorb the reactive current generated on the photovoltaic plant’s grid. When a power plant is connected to a power greater than 36 KVA, ENEDIS invoices the reactive current consumed (KVArh ). The Oseane boxes cancel KVArh invoices.


Photovoltaic solar panels must be grounded because they all generate more or less parasitic electricity depending on the environment. The ability to produce this type of current comes essentially from the mechanical structure of the panels or their assembly but is not necessary for the proper functioning of the photovoltaic power plant.

In addition, some power plants subjected to significant mechanical stress may over time lose their watertightness, which reinforces “natural” leakage currents.

A photovoltaic field with a large surface area and high yield therefore has a capacity for leakage currents accordingly. The latter will be all the more reinforced by the presence of a wet surface (rain, dew).

However, this leakage current can quickly disrupt the operation of the inverters. If transformerless inverters are used, the leakage currents can then trigger the monitoring unit integrated in the inverter or cause the system to switch off. In the first case, the inverter is temporarily disconnected from the public power grid and then automatically returns to feed-in mode. In the second case, grid feed is interrupted until the residual current device (RCD) of the feed cable is manually reactivated. In both cases there is a loss of production and therefore of income.

OSEANE boxes are equipped with a battery of capacitors controlled in real time that will produce a compensation current that protects the installation by reducing the capacitive leakage current. This prevents the photovoltaic inverter from triggering its monitoring device prematurely. As a result, the inverter is less stressed and works better.


The first causes of malfunction of photovoltaic inverters come from the failure of one or more of the capacitors that make them up. These capacitors are of uneven quality, are subject to strong electrical stress and are often at the limit of electrical tolerance, which favours their degradation.

The OSEANE boxes are equipped with a high-end capacitor bank, which has a roll structure made of metallized, non-inductive, long-life polypropylene film.
The OSEANE boxes will relieve the inverters in their tasks, slow down their ageing and thus improve their efficiency over time.